
About Us

Learn More About Last Generation Ekklesia

Our Vision

The Last Generation Ekklesia is the vision of God the Father to restore eternal life to every person who believes in His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.

Mission & Values


You don't have to have it all figured out about how to win a soul for Christ. You have the Holy Spirit living in you to help. Join a last generation “ekklesia” and derive strength to be a soul winner. You are not meant to be alone! Jesus sent out His disciples in “two’s” to proclaim the Kingdom of God.


Connect with other believers with the same passion to win souls. John 3:16 is at the heart of this passion “that whoever believes in Jesus Christ will have eternal life…”  God wishes to restore His Life to anyone who will freely choose to accept the sacrifice of His Son for their sins.


Respond to God’s call in your life. This calling is to each one of us. Share the Life in you with another who does not know Christ. As a Child of God and as part of the Body of Christ, exercise your faith despite what you may feel. That's why we keep our eyes open for ways to serve others while sharing what God has done for us.

Our Beliefs

We believe that the gospel of Christ is the hope of the world, and it's the heart of the local ekklesia (LGE) to bring that hope to others. This belief is the foundation of our church and informs all we preach, teach, and practice.

Last Generation "Ekklesias"


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